Detail Task Feature

Start Task

After the task has been added, you can start the task by tap the options button then selecting and tap the ‘start‘ of the task. And then, task will change to orange color and task status will change to ‘OnGoing‘. Only users who are added as participants or responsible persons can start the task.

Comment Task

To add comments in a task, tap task then you will see a detail of the task, tap the 'comment' button at the bottom right corner. Enter the comment and tap the 'send' button.

Checklist Task

Just tap the needed element to checklist the task.

Finish Task

If the task has been completed, you can tap task and you will see the task detail. Only users who are added as participants or responsible persons can finish the task. In the upper right corner tap the 'option' icon, select and tap the 'finish' button. And then, task will change to green color and task status will change to ‘Done‘.

Delete Task

If you will wipe the task out, in the list of tasks select and tap the task. Then, you will see the task detail, in the upper right corner tap the 'option' icon, then select and tap 'delete' task. You may delete task either is done or not. Only users who are added as participants or responsible persons can delete the task.

Last updated