Reply Email

This section contains instructions on how to :

  1. Reply Email.

  2. Reply Email use Alias.

  3. Reply Email use Email template.

  4. Attach file on the Email.

  5. Attach hyperlink and images on message.

You will see a pop-up of the email conversation, scroll down and click the 'reply' button.

If you want to send email with alias name and address, you can choose your saved alias like image below

So on the customer side, your name and email will display like image below

You also can use an email template to reply the message such images below.

Component Explanation:

Field Name



In this field, you can choose an email address that matches the email address which is registered on Omni Channel.

Send As

To choose your alias name and email.


This field will be used as the recipient of the email.


In this field, you can copied to one or more recipients.



Fill in with a custom message that will be sent to the recipient. you can insert images or links in the body message.


Uploaded files as attachments to the email message. Attachments will maintain their original file name and are limited to a total aggregated size of 2 MegaByte (MB) for every email ticket.

Email Template

If you want to reuse existing content, select an email template to answer the message of the customer. You can select an email template when the customer message is the same. Or, the customer message is the global case and having a default answer.

View Conversation

This field will show your conversation history with the recipient. Note: this will show if you make an outbound message from the selected ticket.


Email message will send to customer and ticket will display on the Pending tab.

File attachments will appear as shown below.

Once done, you can click 'Reply' to send out your reply. And then, the ticket status will change to ‘Pending‘.

Last updated