User Transaction

The function of the user transaction feature is to display user transaction data, such as daily transaction statistics, pie chart items that are most often purchased by customers, pie chart types of payment that are most often used by customers, and total transactions.

First, go to the Analytic menu and click the Virtual Agent menu, then click the User Transaction menu which you can find on the left sidebar. Select Bot to display the user transaction data.

Component Explanation:


Total transaction

The total value of all transactions.

Number of transaction

The number of transactions over a specified period of time.

Top 5 items

To display a pie chart of the top 5 items that are most often purchased by customers.

Top 5 Payment Type

To display a pie chart of the top 5 payment types that are most often used by customers.

Daily Transaction

The line graph indicates how many customers daily transactions.

Table User Transaction

To display detail of the customer's daily transactions.

Last updated