Closed Deal to Won or Lost Deal

On the deal detail page, you can update the status of closed deals to Won or Lost. Correctly marking a deal as Won or Lost has a major impact on data available in your Deals reports.

To mark a deal as Won or Lost from a specific pipeline, go to the Deals overview page by clicking the 'Deal' option located in the left side navigation menu. Select the pipeline containing the deal you wish to mark as either Won or Lost from the pipeline dropdown.

Locate the deal you wish to close. To mark the deal as Won, click the deal and drag it to the bottom right of the pipeline page or you can click the 'Won' button on the deal detail page.

To mark the Deal as Lost, click the deal and drag it to the bottom left of your pipeline page, mark the Deal as Lost, click the deal and drag it to the bottom left of the pipeline page or you can click the deal name, and on the deal detail > deal info, click 'Lost' button.

Last updated