Merge Contact Suggestion

Merge contact suggestion is a feature to provide pop-up suggestions for contact merge when there are customer contacts who have the same email or phone number. The merge contact suggestion is only for those who have access to merge the contact. It will appear by adding or editing a contact either from the Customer Contact menu or the Dashboard menu. When the suggestion merge contact appears, you can review them before merging the contact.

On the Customer Contact page, select a contact then, you will see a 360 customer display form from the selected contact, edit information such as the customer's email or phone number. When you add the email or a customer's phone number, and there are customer contacts who have the same email or phone number then, merge contact suggestions will appear as shown below.

Component Explanation :


Do Not Merge

Do not merge customer contact or cancel merge customer contact

Merge Selected

Merge customer contacts based on the selected contact

Merge All

Merge all customer contacts who have the same email or phone number

Last updated