
Systems and Browser Requirement For 3Dolphins SRM User

3Dolphins recommend users of 3Dolphins SRM to this following minimum requirement, so that they can have the best experience using the 3Dolphins Platform.

Desktop Specification Requirement

Below are the minimum Desktop requirements for 3Dolphins user:

  • Intel Core i3 or higher

  • RAM 8 GB or higher

Operating System Requirement

For the Desktop OS, we recommend to use Microsoft Windows or Apple OSX.

Microsoft Windows

  • Windows 8 (Minimum) or higher

  • Windows 10 (Recommended) or higher

Apple OSX

  • OSX 10.13 High Sierra (Minimum) or higher

  • OSX 11.0 Big Sur (Recommended) or higher

Browser Requirement

We recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome to have the best experience using 3Dolphins Platform. The 3Dolphins platform also works well in the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge.

  • Chrome v86.0.4240 (minimum) or higher

  • Chrome v88.0.4324 (Recommended) or higher

Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox v83.0 (minimum) or higher

  • Firefox v85.0 (Recommended) or higher

Apple Safari

  • Safari v13.1.12 (minimum) or higher

  • Safari v14.0.2 (Recommended) or higher

Microsoft Edge

  • Microsoft Edge v86.0 (minimum) or higher

  • Microsoft Edge v88.0 (Recommended) or higher

This following browser configuration is required for 3Dolphins user

  1. JavaScript must be enabled

  2. Cookies must be enabled

  3. LocalStorage must be enabled

Network Requirement

As the general rule, each 3Dolphins user connected to the network / Internet connection should have a stable network connection at minimum 5 Mbps (both upload and download).

To ensure a smooth experience when using 3Dolphins Platform, each 3Dolphins user agent recommended having stable network connection with 10 Mbps or above (both upload and download).

Last updated

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