User Configuration
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The User Configuration section allow you to set up user access, such as how long the password changed every few periods, how long the user account can used, maximum number of login attempt, session timeout of user login and enable LDAP.
Password expiration is one of the fields in the system setting > user configuration, which functions to set the validity and age of the user’s password. An Administrator in order to improve the security of an application, they usually apply a rule where the user password in 3Dolphins must always be changed every few periods.
So, when you set system settings > user configuration > password expiration value is 30, then every 30 days (1 month) you will be asked to change your password.
User expiration is one of the fields in the system setting > user configuration, which functions to set the validity and age of the user’s account. An Administrator in order to improve the security of an application, they usually apply the rule where user accounts in the 3Dolphins application will be blocked if the user account has no activity at all within a certain time.
So, when you set the system settings > user configuration > user expiration value is 2, then if within 2 days the account has no activity at all (login and change password) then the account will be locked automatically by the system. A locked user account will be entered in the blocked user list found in the administration menu > user management > blocked.
This feature allow you to set the maximum number of login attempt. You can get an error stating that you have exceeded the maximum number of login attempts. This error is displayed after a user has failed to provide valid login information for several times.
In this field you can enter how long to wait (in minutes) before logging out of the 3Dolphins application when there is no activity at all in a certain time.
For example, if you set a session timeout of 30 minutes. Then, for 30 minutes the user does not take any action on the 3Dolphins website, then the user will be automatically kicked or logging-out from the 3Dolphins application.
This feature allow you to enable LDAP. In the 3Dolphins application, to activate LDAP there are 3 options, i.e Web service, Native and saml :
Web Service and Native
This option allows you to enable LDAP authentication with this type of Web service or Native. When this function is enabled, on the login page, after you enter your username and password, you will be asked to select a group.
This option allow you to disable LDAP.
This option allow you to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication. When this function is enabled, on the login page, after you enter your username, you will be directed to a third-party login page.
This field is an attribute statement used in third-party SAML integration.
This field is attribute statement that used on 3Dolphins application.
This feature allow you to add setting LDAP configuration parameter.
Component explanation :
User Group
Select user group of LDAP authentication.
A URL to configure the connection to the directory server.
Base DN
Based Search
This field sets where in the schema the query should start searching.
Manager DN
For set the LDAP DN Manager.
Manager Password
The password for the username specified in the LDAP username field.
ldap identifier field
For setting LDAP Identifiers.
ldap user identifier field
For managing User Identifiers.
Base Distinguished Name for your Active Directory with default value (e.g. dc=example,dc=com
Example URLs :
Base DN from above URLs is ‘documentation‘.