Add Appraisal
The criteria template will appear if matches between the channels in the criteria template and the selected channel ticket. For example, if the criteria template is created for the live chat channel, the template criteria will only appear on live chat tickets and not appear on telegram tickets, e-mail, etc.
Component Explanation:
After selecting the template criteria, you can input the manual score of each criteria. By default, you can input a score criteria that is less than equal to the number of points {score} = {<=point} and you are able to add the remark on each criteria. For example, If the point on criteria is 60, then you can enter a score less than equal to 60 points.
If you're done, you can click ‘Save’ button. And then, you will be prompted to confirm submit appraisal request, click ‘Yes’ to proceed or you can click ‘No’ to return to the performance rating page.
For example, click ‘Yes’ button. Then, tickets that have been appraise by Quality Assurance (QA) will be moved to the Ratings tab, as shown in the image below.
Last updated