Add New Payment

Before integrating with Midtrans, you need to register an account here. After signing up, you shall have access to Midtrans development/sandbox environment where you can play out with dummy transactions.

To configure the payment, in the upper right corner, click the '+New Payment' button. Then you will see a form new payment library, such images below.

Component Explanation:

Enter field required, like merchant id, client key, server key, etc. and click the ‘Save‘ button, then you will see a pop-up notification payments configuration saved successfully.

After configuring the payment, go to the digital library page. On this page, you can create an asset in the form of a product that you are going to sell by adding digital library management > send card and click the add button ‘Buy Action‘.

The save button on the buy action button will appear after you make the payment configuration. if you have not configured the payment, the save button will not be visible.

After successfully creating an asset by adding a buy action button on the digital library menu. Then, go to the FAQ Knowledge menu and create transaction knowledge by attaching the digital asset that you previously created.

After the knowledge has been successfully created, attach the knowledge that you have created on the Bot on the Bot Manager page > Select Bot > Click the 'FAQ' button > Select knowledge and click the 'attach' button.

For example, do a dummy chat to make a product payment, then you will see a payment pop-up as shown images below.

Last updated