Create a New Channel of Twitter
This section describes for how to mechanism for create a new Twitter account channel, by doing the following steps:
Go to the Integration menu and click the channel connector menus, then you will see a channel connector page such images below.
On the channel connector page, click the 'plus' button in the channel Twitter account, and then you will see a pop-up channel setting. On the pop-up channel setting, you can view automatically or manual authentication display. Choose one of those to create a Twitter channel either manual or automatic authorization.
Manual Authentication
Component Explanation:
When you copy and paste all the needed ‘access keys and tokens’, make sure, that you don’t have any empty spaces, either at the beginning or at the end of these entries. If you have any empty spaces, then the Application won’t work and will show an error message when you try to connect to the App.
First, enter your Twitter username. then, copy-paste the Twitter ‘Consumer Keys’ and 'Authentication Tokens' to the channel setting. If you forgot your access key and token, you can go to the Key and Token tab to regenerate the access key and token.
Select your Twitter application type (Premium/Enterprise).
You can be found ‘Dev Label’ one of the APIs available in the developer portal click Products menu > Dev Environment > Account Activity API/Sandbox. See the image below.
Enter the dev label then, click the 'Authorize' button.
After the authorization successful, click the 'save' button.
Automatic Authentication
Component Explanation:
When you copy and paste all the needed ‘access keys and tokens’, make sure, that you don’t have any empty spaces, either at the beginning or at the end of these entries. If you have any empty spaces, then the Application won’t work and will show an error message when you try to connect to the App.
Copy-paste the Twitter ‘Consumer Keys’ to the channel setting. If you forgot your access key, you can go to the Keys and Token tab to regenerate the access consumer key.
Select your Twitter application type (Premium/Enterprise).
You can be found ‘Dev Label’ one of the APIs available in the developer portal click Products menu > Dev Environment > Account Activity API/Sandbox. See the image below.
And then, click the 'authorize' button. if the authorization successful, click the 'save' button.
After doing the steps above either using manual or automatic, your Twitter account channel ‘apr_doni’ has successfully created. And it shows like the images below.
Component Explanation:
Next, you must configure the callback URL and website URL on your Twitter developer in order to connect 3Dolphins SRM. Go to your Settings App > Authentication Settings. Click the 'edit' button'.
Enable the 3-Legged OAuth.
Enter the callback URLs using the channel URL copy button and Enter your website URL where your Twitter channel is created.
Congratulations, your channel is ready to use.
Last updated