Create New Digital Library

To create a new digital library is not a complicated process, but there certainly are some things that need to be done if you want attach digital asset in a FAQ knowledge. To begin, you’ll need information about a product or service you want to create as asset.

Digital library management consist of six (6) component, i.e :

Component Name


Send Card

Allows you to combine images and buttons in one object, and send them to the user, and you can also include multiple attachments in a carousel layout, which places the attachments side by side and allows the user to scroll across

Send Option

To display the answer from the bot in the form of a button. This button useful for offering the message customers options to choose from, such as pre-determined responses to a question, or actions to take.

Send Image

To make your Bot conversations more varied than standard text messages by adding a digital asset image

Send Document

To make your Bot conversations more varied than standard text messages by adding a digital asset document

Send Video

To make your Bot conversations more varied than standard text messages by adding a digital asset video

Send Audio

To make your Bot conversations more varied than standard text messages, apart from using images or videos, you can also attach additional information via audio

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