Mechanism of Using FAQ Suggestion

To be able to display the FAQ suggestion, the first thing you need to do is activate the bot assistant in the Bot Settings > Bot Manager menus and switch the toggle assistant bot to On.

Assistant ON

On the operator dashboard, you must also turn the 'Switch Assistant' feature ON, indicated by the button switching to green, so the agent can see the bot's suggestions.

Switch Assistant ON

If the customer sends a message to the agents, a FAQ suggestion will appear in the conversation chat to reply to the customer message, you can click the 'Send' button () to send the suggested answer, or click the 'Save' button to save the FAQ to the FAQ suggestions page and add a note to the FAQ, as shown in the image below.

FAQ Suggestion

Suggestions will appear if the customer sends a message in accordance with the questions listed in the Knowledge FAQ.

For example, click the 'Save' button to add a note to the FAQ. Type the notes and click the 'save' button.

Add note FAQ

Then the notes you have entered will appear on the FAQ Suggestions page. The supervisor can approve or reject the notes entered by the agent.

FAQ Suggestion Approval

Last updated