How to Setup Outlook Email

We currently provide integration between 3Dolphins and Outlook email. The following are prerequisites that you must meet before continuing with the integration:

  • You must already have a business email.

  • The email must have an Office 365 subscription.

Create App Registration on Microsoft Azure

After ensuring that you meet the minimum requirements listed above, please create a registration app on Microsoft Azure. First, sign in to the page using your business email account.

Then, open the App Registrations menu. On the app registrations page, click the '+ New Registrations' button.

Enter your application’s registration information:

  1. Name: Enter the application name that will be displayed to the users.

  2. Select Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts option from the Supported account types section.

  3. Select platform 'Web' and filled URL with https://[url]/dolphin/channel/authorization/channel-email-outlook.xhtml

Then, click the 'Register' button to create the application.

After a few moments, the newly created application registration will open.

Save the Client ID and Tenant ID information from your app.

Create your client credentials by clicking the 'Add a certificate or secret' button. Then, click the 'New client secret' button.

In the dialog that pop-up, enter an optional description for the client secret and select periode expired from the Expires drop-down list button, and then Click the 'Add' button.

Your client secret was successfully created. Remember to save the client secret's value and expiration date.

Modify IMAP & SMTP Via Windows Powershell

After successfully creating the Azure application, you must use Windows PowerShell to modify IMAP & SMTP email, so it has full access. Here are the command modify for each operating system.

Windows OS

First, open windows powershell as Administrator. Then, enter the following command.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph 
Import-module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Install-Module -Name AzureADPreview

Then, click Enter and enter Y. Wait until the installation package is complete then enter the next command.

Connect-AzureAD -TenantId <tenant id>

Log in using your business email address and password. Wait until the process is complete. Then, enter the following command.

Connect-ExchangeOnline -Organization <tenant id>

Then, log in again with your business email. After connecting successfully, enter the application data into the variable by:

$MyApp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString "your app name"
New-ServicePrincipal -AppId $MyApp.AppId -ServiceId $MyApp.ObjectId -DisplayName "Service Principal for IMAP"
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity -User $MyApp.ObjectId -AccessRights FullAccess

Your email channel can receive inbound emails if you are already on this step. The following is the command to get full access to outbound email.

Set-CASMailbox -Identity -SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled $false

Mac OS

If your operating system is Mac, you must first install Powershell using the terminal command below.

brew install --cask powershell

Then, open windows powershell as Administrator and enter the following command.

Register-PSRepository -Default
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -allowprerelease
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -allowprerelease
Install-Module -Name Az
Import-module ExchangeOnlineManagement

Then, click Enter and enter Y. Wait until the installation package is complete then enter the next command.

Connect-AzAccount -Tenant <your tenant id>

Log in using your business email address and password. Wait until the process is complete. Then, enter the following command.

Connect-ExchangeOnline -Organization <your tenant id> 

Then, log in again with your business email. After connecting successfully, enter the application data into the variable by:

$MyApp = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -SearchString "your app name"
New-ServicePrincipal -AppId $MyApp.AppId -ServiceId $MyApp.Id -DisplayName "Service Principal for IMAP"
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity -User $MyApp.Id -AccessRights FullAccess

Your email channel can receive inbound emails if you are already on this step. The following is the command to get full access to outbound emails.

Set-CASMailbox -Identity -SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled $false

Last updated