Download Net Promotor Score

Each report on the analytic page can be generated and downloaded to a (.xls, .pdf, .csv, and .txt) file and saved to your local drive for offline viewings such as analysis, sharing, or backup purposes. To download the report, go to Analytic and select the Live Agent menu, and click Net Promotor Score. In the upper right corner of the page, click the 'Download' button. Then, in the dialog box of the download net promotor score, click 'Generate Report'.

Component Explanation:


Date Send Survey

Indicates time the NPS survey was sent to the customer.

Date Respond Surevey

Indicates time the customer resubmits the survey.

Tikcet Number

Unique number of each ticket.

Customer ID

Your customer ID.

Agent Name

Indicates agent's name that is responsible handled this ticket.


Indicates the channel account where the ticket was created.


Indicates your channel type.


Indicates your agent's goup.


The NPS value provided by your customers.

Last updated