Member Mode

When this feature is enabled, before login, the system allows the customer to choose member modes: 'member' and 'guest'.

Component Explanation:


Enable Member Mode

This property is to activate the login display whether as a member or guest. If it is not activated, you will only see the standard login live chat display. By default, this property is OFF.

Enable Member Mode Validation

Used to validate member id via API. By default, this property is OFF.


Member Mode Title

Set the title of member mode for your Live Chat visitors prior to them selected option of member mode.

Option Member

Set the name of option member for your Live Chat visitors prior to them filling in the on boarding form.

Option Non Member

Set the name of option non member for your Live Chat visitors prior to them filling in the on boarding form.

Member Id Placeholder

A placeholder located in text area where we type our member Id.

Select Topic Title

Text to selected topic.

Selection Topic Member

Input the topic to be asked by the customer’s (member).

Selection Topic Non Member

Input the topic to be asked by the customer’s (non member).

Member Mode Select Error Message

Error notification that will be out because you haven't selected member mode when activating member mode properties.

Member Id Input Error Message

Display a custom message for some reasons failed.

Select Topic Input Error Message

Display a custom message for some reason failed.

Last updated