Create New Teaser

To display the latest information, you must first create a teaser model. You can create a teaser by clicking the '+ New Teaser' button at the upper right of the page.

New Teaser

You will see create a new teaser page. On the left side of the page is the teaser customization form, and on the right is a live preview showing how the teaser will appear later.

Create New Teaser

Component Explanation:

When you complete defining the teaser components, click the 'Save' button to save your new teaser with teaser status "Inactive" or click the 'Save and Publish' button to save and immediately apply changes to the predetermined selected channel with teaser status "Active".

For example, if you select the 'Save and Publish' button, your teaser will automatically change, as shown below.

Teaser Created

Last updated