Download Appraisal Report

Each report on the analytic page can be generated and downloaded to a (.xls, .pdf, .csv, and .txt) file and saved to your local drive for offline viewings such as analysis, sharing, or backup purposes. To download the report, go to Analytic and select the Live Agent menu, and click Appraisal Report. In the upper right corner of the page, click the 'Download' button. Then, in the dialog box of the download appraisal report, click 'Generate Report'.

The download report includes three sheets: Summary, Channel Summary, and Appraisal Report. Sheets summary will combine reports based on template summary sheets and appraisal reports. The components for the summary sheet are explained as follows:

The template summary sheets report details how QA agents used the rating criteria template to rate tickets, as shown below.

Component Explanation:

The comment category sheets will show you the total remark category utilized across all templates in your rating criteria, as shown images below.

Component Explanation:

The appraisal report sheets display all appraisal reports carried out by QA agents on the performance rating page as shown images below.

Component Explanation:

Note: Orange column indicates that the column has criteria set as a critical point.

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