How to Add Webhooks Platform to Your Facebook App

Add the Webhook Platform to your Facebook App

Click the 'Product' button.

From the product list page click on the 'Set Up' button on the 'Webhook' product. The Webhook Platform will be added to your app, and the webhook settings console will be displayed.

Configure the Webhook for your App

Before setting up a webhook, make sure the Facebook channel is online. If the Facebook channel is offline, you will not be able to verify and save the webhook you have configured.

Select webhooks category, example select category Page. Then, click the 'Subscribe to this object' button.

In the pop-up 'Edit Page Subscription'. This will subscribe your app to receive webhook events for the Page.

On the 'Callback URL' field, copy and paste the public URL for your webhook.

The public URL is obtained after creating a Facebook channel in our application. You can copy the URL by clicking the 'Channel Copy URL' button, as shown below.

Channel URL must have added port. Please see this page to add ports.

In the 'Verify Token' field, enter the verify token for your webhook. Click the 'Verify and Save' button.

Click the 'Subscribe' button on 'feeds', 'pictures', 'ratings', and 'videos'.

Last updated