Add Fields in Collection
You can add fields or update fields to every collection by select the collection and click the 'fields' button. Then, you will see a pop-up form to add the fields, enter the field name and select the type of field collection as shown below.
If you want to delete a field in a collection, you can click the 'delete' button on the action field in each field collection.
Component Explanation:
Field Name | Description |
Name | Required. Name of the field stored and referred in Solr. |
Type | Required. The data type of the field defined in the configuration. For example, data type i.e ‘Boolean’, ‘int’, ‘date’ etc. |
Indexed | Optional. If indexed=True, the value of the field can be used in queries to retrieve matching documents. If indexed=False will make the field only stored but can’t be queried with. |
Stored | Optional. If stored=true, the actual value of the field can be retrieved by queries (to tell Solr to store the original text in the index somewhere). If stored=false will make the field only indexed and can’t be retrieved in output. |
Multivalued | Optional. If true, indicates that a single document might contain multiple values for this field type. |
For example :
If stored=true and indexed=false: field isn’t searched, but need to be displayed in the search results.
If stored=true and indexed=true: field should be searchable and displayed in the search results.
Last updated