Think Paragraph Configuration
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You can set think paragraph configuration by clicking on the 'Configuration' ()on the top right of the page. Then, you can see a pop-up of configuration and you can decide how exactly your bot interprets what your customer says by using confidence level. Every time your customer types a message, the bot analyses its accuracy. In this pop-up, you can also set the client id and client secret.
Component Explanation:
Retrieval Score (Confidence Level)
You can decide how precisely your bot interprets what your customer says by using confidence level. Every time your customer types a message, the bot analysis its accuracy.
Client Id & Client Secret
Client id and client secret used for integration with 3Dolphins Think.
To determine the number of epoch training to be run.
Learning Rate
The amount that the weight is updated during the training.
Min Learning Rate
Setting the minimum amount that the weight is updated during the training.
Layer Size
Parameter to configure the size of hidden layer.
Batch Size
Specifies the number of samples to process before updating the internal model parameters (the number of words processed at once).
Min Word Frequency
The minimum number of times a word must appear in the corpus.
Window Size
To set the length of a cutout of a time sequence of data.